ECOS – Escuela de Constelaciones Sistémicas (ECOS Systemic Constellations School)


Our vision of therapy consists in creating a healing space for the individual as well as the family through a careful and competent accompanying: “Healing is a process in which something that has been excluded, rejected or ignored finds its adequate place in the person and hence peace.”
It is with this intention that we offer training in Family Constellations, weekend workshops and individual therapy in our centre in Barcelona and in other cities in Spain. We also offer a five days retreat in the Mediterranean coast of Spain, north of Barcelona.

All our actions draw on some essential ethical principles, which are:

  • Respecting our consultants.
    • Acknowledging our own limits.
    • Treating everything that is confided to us with discretion.

Family Constellations are our primordial tool. Nonetheless, our interest in learning has taken us into different directions. Among our trainings and the approaches that inspire us in psychotherapy, you can find the Gestalt Therapy, Brainspotting – an excellent method for trauma treatment, the bodywork based on Energy Centers Movement, and specially Richard Erskine’s Integrative Psychotherapy, which has contributed profoundly to our vision and comprehension of the human being and the therapeutic process.

The arrival of Family Constellations in Spain with the first visit of Bert Hellinger in 1999 added to the field of psychotherapy a method that has proven to be powerful and healing. It immediately generated a great interest among the professionals, and in consequence, a strong demand for training in this new therapeutic approach appeared. By the end of 2001, Peter gave the first training in Madrid. That was the seed of our institute ECOS. Over the last fifteen years, we have grown both as therapists and as trainers, having given hundreds of workshops with thousands of participants.

We, Peter Bourquin and Carmen Cortés, run ECOS and work as a professional couple. We hope that ECOS will keep contributing to the development and spread of Family Constellations in Spain, with the aim of improving the quality of this therapeutic approach.
The training we offer today is the result of the experience accumulated on 25 classes that we have taught since 2001 in different Spanish cities: Barcelona, Bilbao, La Coruña, Madrid, Málaga, Sevilla, Jerez and Valencia. Thanks to this, ECOS has become one of the most prestigious and experienced institutes in Spain in the field of Family Constellations. Many professionals have trained with us and are working successfully with Family Constellations.

Our training fulfills the requirements of the German association DGfS and is recognized by it:


We appreciate the collaboration throughout the years of several international trainers who have enriched our trainings and from whom we have learned ourselves: Tiiu Bolzmann, Ilse Gschwend, Stephan Hausner, Jutta ten Herkel, Karin Huyssen, Barbara Innecken, Daan van Kampenhout, Wilfried Nelles, Franz Ruppert, Erika Schaefer and Raquel Schlosser.

As both of us like travelling and learning from different cultures, we have been collaborating over the years with different institutes and universities in several countries in Europe and Latin America which has supposed a great learning for us, and our work has benefited very much from it. We have worked in Colombia, Ecuador, England, Germany, Italy, Kazajstan, Morocco, Mexico, Slovenia, Spain and Venezuela.

As a way of spreading this method and our understanding of it, we have published till now, seven books in four languages, as well as a number of articles:

In English:

“The living twin”; Peter Bourquin and Carmen Cortés; Ed. Eleftheria (date of publication end 2019)



Born in Germany, he has been living in Spain, near from Barcelona, since 1998, He is the founder of ECOS – Escuela de Constelaciones Sistémicas. He is a therapist who works in the humanistic approach, trained in Gestalt Therapy, Brainspotting with David Grand (New York), and Integrative Psychotherapy with Richard Erskine (New York), as well as other therapeutic methods.

He is one of the first therapists who introduced the Family Constellations in Spain. Since 2001, he has been teaching this method in Barcelona, Bilbao, Jerez de la Frontera, La Coruña, Madrid, Málaga, Sevilla and Valencia. He has collaborated as a trainer and supervisor with different therapeutic institutes in Europe and Latin America. He is a teaching member of the German and Spanish associations of Family Constellations (DGFS and AEBH). Speaker in a dozen of national and international congresses.

Author of a numerous articles and seven books. Member of the editorial board of the German review ‘Praxis der Systemaufstellung’ since 2013. He has been publishing the ECOS – Bulletin since 2005.


Director and teacher at ECOS – Escuela de Constelaciones Sistémicas. She gives Family Constellation training and workshops in different cities in Spain, and has cooperated as trainer and supervisor with several therapeutic institutes in Spain as well as in Latin America.

She is a Professional Expert in Systemic and Family Constellations by the Real Centro Universitario María Cristina (RCU). She’s also a humanistic therapist trained in different methods: Gestalt Therapy, Brainspotting with David Grand, SAT with Claudio Naranjo, Energy Centers Gymnastics, Integrative Psychotherapy with Richard Erskine from New York, and Internal Family System from Richard Schwarz.

She has written, in collaboration with Peter Bourquin, the book “El Gemelo Solitario”, published in Spain by Desclée de Brouwer, Bilbao, 2014. In English: “The living twin”, Elephtería, Sitges, 2019.




ECOS has collaborated in the training and supervision of students with the following therapeutic institutes:

…in Spain

  • Centro de Psicología Cintra, in Sant Cugat, Barcelona
  • Meta – Escola d´Autoconeixement, Barcelona
  • Instituto Alecés, Barcelona and Lugo
  • Fundación ABB, Barcelona
  • Centro Dendros, Barcelona
  • Institut de Interacción, Barcelona
  • Espai Ludic, Barcelona
  • Institut Integratiu, Barcelona
  • Antigona Salud, Bilbao
  • IBAI, Bilbao
  • Centro Psicología Humanista, Córdoba
  • Centro Psicosom, A Coruña
  • Real Centro Universitario María Cristina, El Escorial
  • Esser Institut, Elche
  • Espai obert Empordà, Figueras
  • Centro AD’s, Girona
  • SAL-Escuela de psicoterapia, Jerez de la Frontera
  • Centro Umayquipa in Madrid
  • Universidad Complutense in Madrid
  • Instituto Galene in Madrid
  • ALCEA, Madrid
  • Instituto Azane, Málaga
  • Universidad de Málaga
  • LaMar – Escuela de Gestalt, Málaga
  • Centro de Psicologia Tara, Murcia
  • Universidad de Murcia
  • Jera-Gestalt, Sevilla
  • TÀLEM – Escola de Vida, Tarragona
  • Escuela de Psicoterapia de Valencia
  • Asociación 12, Zaragoza


… and abroad


  • eurasys – Europäische Akademie für Systemaufstellungen, Alemania
  • ZIST, Pensberg, Alemania
  • educArte, Sienna, Italia
  • Posicionamiento Sistémico, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Escuela de Terapia Transgeneracional, Bogotá y Cali, Colombia
  • Neopsicología, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Fundación FAMI, Quito, Ecuador
  • Universidad Central de Quito, Ecuador
  • Universidad Católica de Ambato, Ecuador
  • Krisanat, Quito, Ecuador
  • Universidad La Concordia, Aguascalientes, México
  • Instituto de Estudios Transgeneracionales, México D.F.


As a way of spreading this method and our understanding of it, we have published till now, eight books in four languages, as well as a number of articles. In English:

Peter Bourquin and Carmen Cortés: “THE LIVING TWIN – the twin who grew up alone”; Ed. Eleftheria, Barcelona 2020.